Trish Jenkins M.I.N.Z

Phone: 027 203 6797

The benefits of massage vary from person to person depending on their needs and lifestyle.

With Office Massage it enables the client to have a quality 15-20 minute break away from their computer, phone and all sorts of interruptions & distractions within the workplace.


Benefits for Employer:

·       Reduce your sick leave costs

·       Greater productivity

·       Boost morale and increase job satisfaction

·       Staff appreciate the employer taking an interest in their  health and wellbeing

·       Staff return to their work relaxed and revitalised

·       Minimal cost to Employer


Benefits for Employee:

·       Increased Productivity

·       Greater energy

·       Improved circulation

·       Alleviate tension in shoulders,  neck and arm muscles

·       Clams the nervous system and reduces blood pressure


The list is endless.  The whole point of introducing  Office Massage into the workplace is so the Employer knows they have happy & healthy staff members and the Employee   returns to their work feeling happy, relaxed very looked after and focused on their work.